In 2011, thanks to the compassionate generosity of so many donors, TBCA raised $8,000 to help pay for the surgery and postoperative care of two young children from a very remote part of Arunachal Pradesh in Himalayan India. Both children suffer from severe spinal deformities due to tuberculosis of the spine (Pott's Disease). Kem Sangmo, now 16 years old, has been suffering with Pott's Disease since she was 3. Tenzin Tharchin is 6, and he has had Pott's Disease since he was 2. Their only hope was to have surgery to correct the serious spinal deformities and to give them a chance of living a normal life without constant pain.

Beginning on March 10, 2011 in Delhi, Kem Sangmo successfully underwent a very complex and complicated series of corrective surgeries. All went very well, and she has now returned to her village in Himalayan India, happy, healthy and well into her rehabilitation process. She is scheduled to see her doctor in one year! From Kem: “Many Tashi Deleks and deep gratitude to all who made this amazing life-giving surgery possible.”
See before and after photos below.



Thanks to so many generous and compassionate donors, Tenzin Tharchin successfully began his pre-operative treatments for Potts Disease while he was in Delhi. He has returned to his village while he and his family wait for his scheduled surgery, which is expected to take place soon. In the meantime, he is wearing a back brace to prevent him from becoming paralyzed. We hope to bring you an update on his progress in the near future.


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